Build and Manage Your Lists With Your Shopping Cart

Build and Manage Your Lists With Your Shopping Cart

You already know that to be successful with your Internet Marketing business, you need to build a list and use it to market products and services.

In fact, you really need more than one list. For example, prospects should immediately go into a customer list when they buy something from you. If you are active in various niches, you need separate lists for them all.

Once you have a list of any size, you need to start building a relationship with the people on it, and that always involves sending out regular messages. But with more than one list, that could take up so much time you would quickly fall behind. The answer is to create autoresponders for all your lists.

With autoresponders, you can preload a whole series of messages, set them to go out on a specified schedule, and it all happens automatically. My favourite method is to write a whole bunch of messages at one sitting and load them in for publication over a certain period of time, and add to them from time to time depending on their purpose.

But how do you set all this up? I know there are services that do just this one thing, but I don’t use those. I prefer to get more bang for my buck, so I use a shopping cart that not only takes orders for my products, but also helps me build and manage all my lists.

I need a cart that is user friendly. I’m far from being a techie and I have no IT department I can call whenever I get stuck with a technical task. So I picked a cart that is easy to use.

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When I need to add a message to an autoresponder, I just log in, click a couple of tabs until I come to the autoresponder screen and fill in the blanks. Then I hit Submit, and it’s done. Same thing when I want to add a new product. I always used to be puzzled about how to create a link to an order form, but with my trusty shopping cart there’s no more mystery — it’s easy.

There are free or cheap shopping cart systems out there, but if you are serious about your Internet business you can’t afford to go with them. They will give you hassles and get you into trouble with your customers. Instead, get a shopping cart that takes care of everything from customers to prospects to ezine lists to product sales and delivery and even affiliates.

It’s one of the most important tools in your business, and you owe it to yourself to do your research and get this one right.